Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jena 6

This past December, in Jena, Lousiana, Six young African-American males were charged with attempted murder, and conspiracy to commit murder. These six young men are known as "The Jena Six." It all started when three black students simply wanted to hangout under a tree in front of their school, but it just so happened that the tree they were under was the same tree that a group of white kids usually sat under. The next day there were three nooses hanging from a limb of the tree. But nooses was just the beggining. Off-campus fights were reported of the next few months, and then six black students (the jena six) jumped a fellow white student, Justin Barker. They knocked him unconcious then continued stomping and kicking him.
Thousands stormed the streets of Jena to rally in support of the Jena 6, including Al Sharpton and the Reverend Jesse Jackson. The hopes of the rally-ers is to get Justin for the six young men being trialed. They want the District Attorney and Judge to see that charging the young men with attempted murder is way too harsh for just beating a white guy up. The D.A. is trying to prove that the boys' shoes were being used as a lethal weapon.

Here is a link to the article: